276: Creation is the Goal

We’ve got approximately 51 minutes of new local music lined up for you this week including tracks from Erin Rae, Corduroy Clemens, Golden and Rust and loads more. It is, as per usual, a rewardingly varietal show.

Be sure to click through on the links below and be sure to follow MT Vice, Erin Rae, Friendship Commanders, Safety Net, Working., Golden and Rust, Corduroy Clemens, MoneyatMidnight, Quez Cantrell, Great Grand Sun, Offhand, blaqspace_, samday and Occhio for plenty more updates!

Follow us or submit your music:
Facebook: /weownthistown
Twitter: @weownthistown
Instagram: @weownthistown

“Main Theme” by Upright T-Rex Music.

MT Vice
“let it be”

Erin Rae
“Modern Woman” [ Video ]

Friendship Commanders
“Land of Men”

Safety Net
“Be With You”

“Jesus Christ Ain’t Comin’ Back”

Golden And Rust
“Out of the Ether”

Corduroy Clemens
“What Dot Did”

“The Sauce Freestyle”

Quez Cantrell

Great Grand Sun
“Deep in a Lawless Town”

Pablo Heckman

“Lake of the Damned”



“Good Vibe Train”

We Own This Town: Music
We Own This Town: Music
We Own This Town

New and notable releases from Nashville and surrounding areas.