Author Archives: Michael Eades

Spooky Ghoul Fest Returns

This year Halloween falls on a weekend. Which means that there are a lot of options to fill your evening. From QDP Halloween at Marathon to My So-Called Band Halloween at Cannery to Festival of Ghouls at Oz arts to Spencer Cullum & Skyway Man playing Wicker Man in the woods to, well, a very […]

273: Spooky, Scary & Ghoulish Delights

HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR with Wallis Allen, PETTY, Shaboi, The Phantoms of Saturn, Spoken Nerd, Boo Dudes, Dead Deads, Makeup and Vanity Set, Emmett Brown, V to Z, Blavery, Black Caverns, Bad Luck Mattress, Children of the Night

New Bang – “Stoned God”

Stoned God by New Bang The rise of microgenres over the past decade has been a wonderfully intriguing process to witness. While the term itself has been around since the ’70s, their proliferation has really taken off thanks to services like Tumblr, Bandcamp, Spotify and their ilk before them; Real Player, Napster, et al. If […]

272: Endorsements for Ears

Six One Tribe, Petty, Daisha McBride, Colleen Orender, New Bang, Ronin Black, The Serpenteens, X-ennials, Cyborg9K (Roxie OS), Iven, No Milk, Lou Turner, Logickal, Fogged