Author Archives: Michael Eades

2022 Holiday Special Extravaganza

NPR Edition with Moral Support, 2’live Bre, Coley Kennedy and Justin Collins, The Sewing Club, Lawndry, JD McPherson, THE IT CITY, Sad Baxter, I Could Live In Hope, Black Market Dub, Stone Deep, Ahmadmusic, Da Real A1yo, Pablo Heckman, DoomFolk StarterKit, SONATORE, Tape Deck Mountain, Petty

333: Cleaning the Metaphorical Closet

Ryan Sobb and the Dead Mall, Caitlin Rose, Love Montage, Trash Man, Charlie Whitten, *repeat repeat, Fu Stan, BeHoward, Ron Obasi, Mouth Reader, Make Yourself At Home, Thomas Luminoso, Stan “Steam” Smith, Medusa’s Hairdresser, Spirit Ritual, Jack Binkerd

332: An Evolutionary Calling Card

Makeup and Vanity Set, Total Wife, Flesh Eater, SuMo Dope,Fu Stan, Jyou, *repeat repeat, Real Humans, Soot, Basic Printer, MT Vice, Wynton Existing, Cold Lo #BEATS, moony, Honestcourtesan