Beau Burnette – “Lean In” (Official Video)

The debut EP from Beau Burnette, Beau Jingles, is an impressive batch of jangly pop songs capped off by a pensive ballad. Listening through each song, there’s a myriad of delightful arrangements and little flourishes that require multiple listens to fully appreciate. Coupled with the release are DIY videos that either support the vibe of the song or veer completely sideways. For the purposes of this review, let’s have a look at the latter; the video for “Lean In” and the lead track from the EP.

The song itself is a moderately paced number backed by a mesmerizing bit of percussion (are those mouth clicks?) and plenty of starry twinkles. It is a pleasant track but not one you’d imagine as the backing to a Mortal Kombat style brawl. Fortunately for us, that’s exactly the direction Burnette took the video. Across the four and a half minutes, Burnette does battle with himself as Jesus, a deadbeat gambler, a mysterious raincoat man and a giant head (with additional surprises I won’t spoil here). The action is absurd but entirely entertaining throughout the duration.

According to an interview in Psychedelic Baby Magazine, Burnette was told the video would cost upwards of $10,000 to create – so he decided to teach himself some simple green screen and edit it himself. Clearly, the effort was worth it.

Beau Jingles is streaming on all the platforms and you can follow him on Instagram @thebeauburnetteshow. It’s a safe bet that he’ll be sharing more wonderfully hand-crafted entertainment in the future.