Bridge the gap at DRKMTTR

In case you missed the excellent Scene article, you should be aware that DRKMTTR is making moves to convert themselves into a non-profit entity.

Why would they do this? Why should you care? Well, you should care because Nashville’s independent venue scene is a rare beast and extremely crucial ingredient to a thriving music scene. Even more importantly, DRKMTTR has been laser focused on being an all ages venue with a DIY spirit (tho, honestly, more of a “Do It Together” spirit). That said, running a venue is a difficult undertaking to be profitable. Extremely difficult. So, by converting themselves to a non-profit, they will become eligible for grant opportunities that are currently not available.

In the meantime, they need some assistance bridging the gap. They have started a crowdfunding campaign to raise $15k – a small goal that started off with a third of it being contributed by the Music Venue Alliance Nashville (MVAN). They are making great strides in reaching their goal but, at press time, aren’t there yet. Consider donating if you can and let’s keep DRKMTTR around for as long as possible!