Nordista Freeze – “Wysteria” (Acme Radio Live)

The catalog of performances from ACME Radio Live is a deep well of in-studio, low-key, performances from the likes of Daniella Mason, Molly Parden, Bantug and many, many, more. Finding an entry point can be difficult, so lemme recommend this performance of “Wysteria” from Nordista Freeze.

Nordista, if I may be so bold as to refer to them by first name, is known for a lively stage performance and lots of them, generally preferring to spend more days on the road than not. What could have been a mellowed out version of the latest single ends up being an emotional outpouring. It’s not dramatic by any means but it finds the perfect balance between playing fast and loose and absolutely crushing the harmonies. Nordista’s voice soars with just the tiniest crackle but it’s that lack of polish that makes it so damn appealing.

Frankly, the studio version is no different. It has more instrumentation and more layers to unpeel but the same melancholy-but-cathartic outpouring is there.

This performance serves as a great starting point to the catalog Acme Radio Live performances but you may just find yourself playing this one on repeat.