Blonde Bones – “Cape Fear”

The debut album from Blonde Bones, Hiding Out, is due out in mid-2020. Given our current climate, there’s no telling exactly when that will be but the band has been releasing a stream of singles to whet our collective appetites. The latest, “Cape Fear“, is available today on all streaming services and in the embed above.

The track is an extremely upbeat and captivating offering. It’s bright and sunny with sing-along vibes that are well balanced with striking guitars and furious drums. It’s nostalgic but fresh. It’s also under 3 minutes, which amps up the replayability 1,000%. Currently, I’ve got it on loop and show no signs of slowing down.

An album entitled Hiding Out seems all too appropriate for these self-isolation times we’re collectively experiencing but this song evokes exactly the opposite vibe. Leverage this to amp yourself for a future time when we’re all outside and enjoying the good times together again.