Author Archives: Joy Todd

That Later Guilt (Dadcult with Nick Melidis)

The girls sit down and vent with longtime friend and fellow parent-to-a-toddler, Nick Melidis. He shares with us the creative outlet he discovered during the pandemic and how much it’s helped him cope with the difficulties of parenting.

Gators and Cougars and Snakes, Oh My!

The girls sit down with Sarah’s mom, Dawn Parker, who is nothing short of fascinating. She shares wild stories from Sarah’s childhood and reflects on the passing of her son, Gene.

Everything You’ve Poured In Comes Back

In honor of Mother’s Day, Sarah and Joy have on their own mothers. Joy’s is up first and you can call her Risty! She is the queen of chill, always down for quality time over a fun cocktail, and apparently hasn’t felt guilty a day in her life!

Red Wines, Grey Areas and White Butterflies

The girls are joined by the magnetic and hilarious, Traci Hilton. You would have no idea by her vibrant personality that Traci lost her husband one year ago this month. From the moment they met to when he took his final breath, Traci so tenderly and boldly, sweeps us along for the incredible ride that was her time with Brent.

Let Me Writhe

Joy and Sarah sit down with best friend, art director and graphic designer, Mackenzie K Moore. We delve into the unspoken pressure of keeping work and home life separate.

Wonder Woman in Real Life

The girls are joined by Music Health Alliance founder and Sarah’s big sister, Tatum Hauck Allsep, who so graciously shares her story of strength amid adversity.

Holiday Aftermath

Joy and Sarah talk about their holidays and how overwhelming it is to be the ones responsible for creating that Christmas magic.

High Strangeness with Leigh Nash

Joy and Sarah are stoked to be joined by the one and only Leigh Nash! You know her from her hit song “Kiss Me” by Sixpence none the Richer. She is currently on the road guesting for 10’000 Maniacs in attempts to survive being an empty-nester. Joy has to rearrange the nursery and Sarah is tired of being the bad cop.