Keegan DeWitt – Nothing Shows

Today marks the official release of the latest EP from Keegan DeWitt, Nothing Shows. The above video is for the ending track “Hearts Beat Loud” and features a bunch of attractive, indie, twenty-somethings running around New York getting involved in a bunch of wacky antics and pining for their friends significant other. If only they’d just talk it out!

The video is a well done piece of work but, more interesting, is the shift in song style for Mr. DeWitt. Typically I associate his output with either film scores or somewhat quiet, introspective heartstring pulling music. While he’s still capable of both of those things the Nothing Shows EP gives some insight into a poppier sound that I, for one, welcome. There are still plenty of perfectly heart wrenching songs on the disc but tracks like “Say La La” and “Hearts Beat Loud” are easily summertime jams waiting to be put into iTunes heavy rotation.

The EP is available today via Daytrotter – their first record label style release of a non-Daytrotter Session related piece of work. I’m obviously showing my bias here but I suggest you procure a copy; it fits right in with summertime.