Eve Maret – “My Power” (Official Video)

Electronic musician Eve Maret is an engimatic creator. On one release she may be channeling 80s dance pop. On another, droning meditation. On yet another, heartwrenching ambiance. In her latest, the standalone single and video for “My Power,” she channels yet another new side; empowered resistance.

Going back through her body of work, Maret’s compositions always stem from a personal place and never just a rote exercise in sound. However, with “My Power,” she has cranked up that intensity and leaves little room for ambiguity. The urgency of the music paired with the dominiatrix vibes and upfront lyrics require no second guessing – Do Not Fuck with Eve Maret.

To be clear, these are all compliments. Music should be personal. Music should be an expression of whatever your feeling; frustration, anger, vulnerability, et al. “My Power” may be the start of a new era for Maret. Sonically, there’s no telling where she’ll go but emotionally she’s clearly ready to not hold back.