Davy Crotch Rockett / Leisure Horse – Split

My neighborhood is absolutely covered in flyers for a long past Davy Crotch Rockett show. Literally every telephone pole down my street has their name emblazoned on it. So, upon stumbling on this brand new SPLIT, there was already an established appreciation for their absolutely perfect band name and their ability to promote.

What remained an unknown was what the band actually sounded like? Diving into this None Intended Records release provided a treat that was well beyond my imagination. What greeted my ears was a dark, fuzzed out, foreboding… cover of the Miami Sound Machine song, “Conga.” Yes, that one. There’s little resemblance between the original and Davy’s version but that’s exactly what makes it so compelling.

The b-side, from the equally unknown Leisure Horse, is an equally pleasing re-imagination of a different kind of classic. The band takes on The Misfits “Last Caress” and turns it into a bit of a murder ballad. It ambles along peacefully, juxtaposed with the often violent and macabre lyrics.

All and all, pleasing returns from any time invested here.