Protomen have unveiled the first official track from the second long-player Act II. The album itself will be released September 8th with a massive blow-up release show at Mercy Lounge on Sept. 25th where they plan to play both albums back to back with a full choir and orchestra. Marking the calendar sounds like a good idea but you should absolutely take the time now to listen to “Light Up The Night” right here.
New Nashville act Blue Cadet 3 have released their debut self-titled EP that can be ordered here or digitally downloaded here. The Deli has posted a video from said EP for the track “Taxidermic Heartbreak Glory” which should be watched forthwith.
Feral Fire, the next full-length from Glossary will be released in early 2010. It’s a long way off but given how great The Better Angels of Our Nature is I can only assume it will be worth every second.