Other People’s Podcasts is our series that highlights podcasts not produced and distributed by We Own This Town. There’s never a shortage of podcasts to listen to and we wanted to make sure we took the time to point out those that we enjoy, even if we’re not involved in any way! We’ll do our best to give you all the (brief) relevant info about why you should listen and hopefully you’ll dip your toe in.
Stories & Sounds with Jonas Litton
Apple Podcasts | Spotify Podcasts
An incredibly well produced series that investigates the history of various songs, artists and creative endeavors. While there is only one episode out at the time of this posting, I have had the pleasure of hearing additional upcoming episodes and they’re all very thoughtful dives into interesting tales. If you’re a fan of music documentaries, this will be a great one to put at the top of your queue.
Instagram: @storiesandsoundspodcast
{Rich Text}
Apple Podcasts | Spotify Podcasts
We previously wrote about this in-depth but it bears repeating, this show is incredibly smart, important and dense. The first few topics are aimed squarely at the issues plaguing the Metro Arts Commission but there’s a deeper depth to it all regarding systems. While you’re subscribing to this, go ahead and subscribe to the substack that publishes articles alongside the posts.
Phat Tad Presents…
On the opposite end of the spectrum from {Rich Text} is Phat Tad, a character from the Boo Dudes universe (Dracula, specifically). If you’re not familiar with Boo Dudes, give this intro article a read through and then soak in the sounds of PHAT TAD PRESENTS, a mixtape of Boo Dudes music, Not Boo Dudes music and Listener Requests. If you give it a listen and find yourself thinking – “This is ridiculous” – you got it! Enjoy.
Instagram: @boodudes
City Cast Nashville
Apple Podcasts | Spotify Podcasts
If we’re being completely honest, I generally approach “Nashville focused podcasts” with a great deal of skepticism. When I first saw City Cash Nashville, I immediately assumed it was an undertaking by some startup company that was using outsiders to create bland content about any given city. An outsider’s perspective looking in, if you will.
Fortunately, I am dead wrong about that. I subscribed to the newsletter because I was curious to validate to my hypothesis but nothing but the opposite has been true. They cover timely topics with sincere adoration and insight. They have guests like Chris Crofton, Mayor Freddie O’Connell and Defy Film Fest founder Dycee Wildman (to name but a very select few). My skepticism may have been coming from a protective place but it was misplaced. The podcast and newsletter are quality work; absolutely worth your daily inbox and your podcast queue.
Instagram: @citycastnashville