Make-Out with Violence OST


I told the Deagol Brothers that I would post about this tomorrow but I really can’t contain my excitement for it any longer. The soundtrack for their film Make-Out with Violence is now available for purchase on their site. The 2-disc epic consists of 44 tracks and is actually twenty minutes longer than the actual film. The majority of the music was composed and performed by The Non-Commissioned Officers but also features The Glib, Leah High, Tristen, Amanda Crawford, The Ostrich Boys, and Vicki Mead.

2+ hours of music from one film may seem like a lot but having listened to it several times over already I can say that it’s not the least bit daunting, it’s actually entirely enjoyable from top to bottom – a testament to the Non-Comms writing and the effective eerie vibe of the film.

All that being said, I really can not recommend getting a copy soon enough. I’ve had a bootleg copy of a few of the tracks for a couple years and they’ve never left my regular rotation of music – I can’t imagine the full soundtrack making its way into the neglected pile anytime soon.