This post is going up on a Wednesday, arguably the worst day of the week. It doesn’t have the slog of a Monday inbox or the anticipation of upcoming weekend, it’s just the middle of existence. So, to alleviate the burden of traversing this “Hump” day, let’s turn to some ambient offerings to help calm and soothe any jangling nerves.
Travis Trevisan is likely best known for his shoegaze offerings under the moniker Tape Deck Mountain but has an impressive body of work under his own name, much of which spans a variety of genres and often involve some expression of music altogether different from his primary gig. His Extended Play offering is minimal and beat driven, while his Existential Crisis Call Center EP is acoustic and lulling. More recently, he’s released three volumes of Ambient Music, aptly titled Axis of Ambient Volume I, Volume 2 and Volume 3.
On the whole, they all serve as separate, enjoyable, movements but also work quite well together. They each showcase the lessons learned from previous releases but par them down even further – keeping the arrangements minimal, slow paced and enveloping in their pace. Volume 3 certainly feels like an ending when listened in summation from the other two but with ambient music, there often rarely seems to be no beginning or end, only existence. Sorta like a Wednesday.