Thomas Luminoso – Speed Bug / Sugar Pill

This is going to sound like hyperbole but I think “Speed Bug” might be a perfect song. I’m not saying it’s the perfect song but it’s absolutely a perfect song. For me, it’s got it all. There’s a delightfully strummed acoustic guitar, a warbled keyboard injecting delightful buoyancy, hyper pitter patter drums that are euphoric and Luminoso’s vocals delivering the perfect balance of melancholy and optimistic. It is bewilderingly infectious and I am in deep gratitude for its existence.

The b-side, “Sugar Pill,” has a high bar to live up after the accolades of the a-side. It’s a much darker tone, delivered with a robotic tone in the lyrics, dissonant guitars and relentless drums. It drives into your brain like a ranting madman – “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” comes to mind. That may sound like a complaint but it’s not! It’s a brilliant foil to the uplifting nature of “Speed Bug.”

Luminoso is one to watch. 2023’s It’s Automatic was an immersive listen but he just dialed things up multiple notches as far as I’m concerned. Can’t wait to hear what’s next.

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