Author Archives: Joy Todd

“Isn’t That Somethin’”

Join us as we chat with Haleigh Painter. After becoming a mom at just 18, Haleigh shares with us her history with addiction and how it impacted her role as a mom. We touch on shame, forgiveness, resilience, recovery and so much more.

Dadcult: Meet Them Where They Are with Frank Liddell

Sarah and Joy are joined by Nashville staple and local producer Frank Liddell. He shares his passion for the creators of the world, how he wish he’d been more present as a father when the kids were young and that he’s not too stoked that they are following in his career footsteps. Join us!

It’s What You Do Next That Counts with Megan Barry

Joy and Sarah have the privilege of sitting down with former Nashville Mayor, Megan Barry. Having just run for Congress as well as her new book “It’s What You Do Next” coming out this week, she squeezed us in her calendar to talk about all things Max.

Beauty Tricks & Therapy Tips w/ Brooke Baxter

Welcome our 1st unconventional mom, Brooke Baxter! We had such a delightful time, setting aside a space for acknowledging all the beautiful ways that women not only mother each other but also themselves, and how important that work is. Join us.

Good Pressure, Gratitude & Gossip Girl

The gals sit down with their first official guest of Season 4 and first time mom of a 1 yr old , Angealic Parson. Born in Memphis and first in her family to graduate high school and college her story is one full of resilience and gratitude.

Summer Recap

Sarah and Joy sit down for a summer recap to launch Season 4! Joy is in the final phases of getting her short film made and Sarah took a badass Healing Touch workshop. She’s a wizard now. Join us.