• a friend took me to see the PA incarnation of this show, and of montreal left mee so painfully underwhelmed that it was almost a wasted night (sounded like self b-sides, minus the good)…thankfully, grand buffet was there to save it. they’re a 2-man white rap group that do songs about the silliest stuff ever, and the inbetween song banter, rants and “jokes” are so improvized and bizarre that they can’t help but be amazingly hilarious. i love these guys dearly…definitely worth going to this show, if only for the laughs.

    Thu August 24, 2006 at 2:41 am
  • Man, this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone rag on Of Montreal… to each his own, but I love Of Montreal dearly.

    Thu August 24, 2006 at 7:54 am
  • I’ve heard band things about this tour as well. My friend in Athens, GA, who is a huge Of Montreal fan, complained that they’re now a generic party band covering Gnarls Barkley.

    Thu August 24, 2006 at 9:29 am
  • *bad things

    Thu August 24, 2006 at 12:16 pm
  • I have been told that they are pretty sub-par live – but I’ve already got my tickets so I’ll just have to find out for myself.

    Thu August 24, 2006 at 2:07 pm
  • my first of montreal show was definitely the best. it was at blue sky court and the room was 1/3 full at best. then i saw them at the end and it was so full that i couldn’t move or see or groove at all. i was looking forward to seeing them at a bigger venue so that i might have my chance to groove once again. your friend in athens is a jerk.

    Thu August 24, 2006 at 4:45 pm
  • i was talking to brian jacobs today (anyone remember call florence pow? or more up-to-date, apes and androids) about this actually, and he, as a big of montreal fan, says that there’ve been a few shows of theirs where they were absolutely fantastic, and then a couple where they were “just really, really average.” i suppose i caught them on one of the latter.

    m@: your friend is, judging by what i’ve seen, very accurate. “generic party band” sums it up all too well. i guess if you’ve been a fan of their music for so long and have seen them on better nights it’s easier to forgive, since the crowd was mostly dancing and enjoying themselves, but really, dressing up like women and wearing silly sunglasses is cool and all, but only if the music’s there, too. and at least that night, they just sucked…virtually every song sounded the same (a couple in the middle tickled my fancy, though), was boring, and definitely did not do well to represent their band to any newcomers in the audience. like your friend said, it’s a little disheartening when the best moment in a band’s setlist is a cover of a current #1 single.

    Fri August 25, 2006 at 2:01 am
  • though i will add, again, grand buffet saved my night. watch this promotional video if you will…if it makes you laugh any, then you’ll at least be digging their stage banter:


    i don’t know, their sense of humor is really just exactly what cracks me up. practically everyone in that crowd was waiting for of montreal to come on, naturally, but GB definitely won me over that night.

    Fri August 25, 2006 at 2:05 am