So, when I got a notification that Infinity Takes had released a split single with Caroline Cronin and The Birch Reserve entitled Softening / Window Panes EP, I was ready for a dose of something out of left field. The Cronin track, “Softening,” doesn’t evoke a myriad of wacky images but it is every bit as mesmerizing. The drum machine loop cranks along with an obtrusive snare, flute sounds set the softest underbelly and various whimsical flourishes weave their way in.,. all while Cronin’s saccharine sweet vocal style carries the entire song. It’s not exactly “left field” type content but it does evoke a magical feeling of euphoria and optimism, a rare and welcome vibe.
The accompanying Birch Reserve track is more withdrawn but every ounce of pleasant. The paired vocals mixed with the introverted synth and bass is reminiscent of The Postal Service, tho only in a lazy music journalist way – I doubt they were directly influenced by Such Great Heights. Without a doubt, it’s an excellent pairing with the Cronin track.
The release is supported by longer blog articles from Infinity Take author Max Kepley, entitled Producer’s Diary for each track; Cronin and Birch Reserve respectively. Quite frankly, reading through both posts helped to cement my enjoyment of them. I suggest you do the same.
Waxing on so extensively about a two song release is likely unnecessary but when you’re smitten, you’re smitten. Cronin, The Birch Reserve and Infinity Takes are bringing something special to the table and it’s worth making note to keep tabs on them all for future treats.