April 11, 2006 Stellarstarr* The Editors The Mobius Band @ The Exit/In 8pm / $12
In the first two episodes of WOTT i used intrumental music during the breaks. (Character & The Northridge Rangers) I need more!
Welcome to the future! WOTT #3 is our first videocast. It’s 10mins and was shot live at the Theory 8 records 5th year anniversary show. (Mercy Lounge, Feb. 23rd, 2006)
April 09, 2006 Dinosaur Jr. Dead Meadow @ City Hall Doors 7:00pm / $22 tickets
April 9th The Ponys The Mattoid @ Grand Palace Records in Murfreesboro. 18+/ $5 10:00PM
Indianapolis seems to have a very nice local scene. They also seem to be a little smitten with Nashville bands. Musical Family Tree serves up free mp3s of Indiana music, but i [...]
The Cloud Room My Relationship With Gravity @ The Basement 9pm / $7.00 (mp3) The Cloud Room – Hey Now Now
April, 7 2006 Asschapel Rufus Fontain Nora Deniro @ Springwater Supper Club ?PM / $5 test
April 7, 2006 Bobby Bare Jr. The Dynamites jetpack UK @ Mercy Lounge $10 / 9:00PM Benefit for WRVU 91.1FM
All the Rage profiles everyones favorite sleepy (or drunk) college town: “The best thing about Murfreesboro is you have this exciting musical naiveté that’s [...]
i took a break from trolling for minors and saw this on myspace: “Lylas has been chosen for Spin.com’s Band of the Day today (April 6)! Go there and check out the [...]