

Wed June 2, 2010

Sometimes you just gotta give credit where credit is due. The creators behind Festivalus are doing their best to tackle the process put upon bands for applying to festivals. [...]

Caitlin Rose Daytrotter Session

Thu May 27, 2010

Seems like Nashville bands have slowly been making their way up for Daytrotter sessions with a bit more regularity lately. Keegan DeWitt, Ghostfinger and Pico vs Island Trees [...]

Planning Your Weekend

Wed May 26, 2010

There will inevitably be numerous reminders of this on the Twitter but you need to go ahead and plan out your weekend. There really couldn’t be a better way to spend [...]

Every New Whole Usual Will Die

Tue May 25, 2010

In my recent scourings for new, worthwhile, local music I came across The New Whole Usuals. I was a bit hesitant to dive right in because, frankly, the band name screams some [...]

Listen Like Thieves

Sun May 23, 2010

Peters band

Support Nashville Compilation

Tue May 18, 2010

Support Nashville has launched a new Flood Relief Project that is asking Nashville area bands to submit music for consideration on an upcoming compilation relief. Bands send [...]

Glossary Lake Fever Session

Mon May 17, 2010

I have a bit of a mixed history with Glossary. I was around in Murfreesboro when the band was just getting their feet wet and could never get my college self into their [...]

Telecommunicators – Sorrows

Sun May 16, 2010

single song

Field Days

Sun May 16, 2010

Projector album - the cover art is neato

The Great Collide

Sun May 16, 2010

nashville band

Help Yourself, Help Nashville

Thu May 13, 2010

The Nashville 2010 Flood Relief continues on! It’s going to be tough for the next few weeks and months to keep momentum and interest in an event that gets more and more [...]

Continuing Relief

Fri May 7, 2010

So, relief efforts have been in full swing this week – much of which can be credited to the Nashville music community. Mercy Lounge was able to raise approximately [...]