More Strange News From Another Star

On the last podcast I included a track from James Wallace and The Naked Light entitled “Colored Lights.” This song is taken from an album entitled More Strange News From Another Star but, at this point, is unavailable to the public. The story behind the album apparently involves record labels in China and distribution on cassette tape but these things did not come to pass. So, the album exists without a plan for release. I was lucky enough to hear a copy of said record and can’t seem to get enough of it. If it were released this year, it would easily be in my Top 10 of 2010 list; without question. It’s like a combination of Paul Simon, Harry Nilsson, bedroom pop and 70’s movie soundtrack.

If you can get your hands on the whole thing, do it. In the meantime, download and enjoy these tracks.

Seriously keep on ear out on this band, there is greatness afoot.